Genshin Impact Characters List – All Playable Characters in the Game

Here is a list of all playable characters in Genshin Impact. Find out all Genshin Impact Characters’ names, character rarity, element, weapon, region, stats, and how to get them.

Genshin Impact now has more playable characters than ever before! The latest v1.5 update brings the count to a total of 35 (32 present +3 upcoming). With so many options it can be hard to choose one over the other. So, here is a quick look at all playable Genshin characters in one place.

Genshin Impact is an action-adventure RPG that has gained much popularity in recent times. First released in September 2020 the game has been evolving pretty well with new artifacts, characters, and weapons being added with every update.

How to get Characters in Genshin Impact

1. Obtaining Characters through Wishes

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play game with a gacha element tacked to it. So, while the game starts with a character named “Traveller” and doesn’t require you to pay to unlock some characters, others can only be claimed by random “pulling” from a pool of weapons and characters using in-game or real currency.

The most common method of acquiring characters is by using Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate and then performing a gacha pull called Wishes. Acquaint Fate, the standard wish gives you the chance to acquire characters or weapons by using wish mechanics. While Intertwined Fate can be used on Special Character Event and Weapon Events. The game will let you know which exact reward you’re likely to get from a wish– but it’s not guaranteed.

Luckily, there is a “pity system” in Genshin Impact for players who get too many 3 stars or 4 stars pull without achieving the 5 star item or characters such as – after nine consecutive Wishes without a four-star character or weapon, you’ll get one on the tenth wish and, if you don’t get a 5 star character/Item even after 99 consecutive Wishes, you’ll get one on the 100th Wish.

Players can buy unlimited Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate with Primogems, a special currency in Genshin Impact. You can also get intertwined and Acquaint Fate in exchange for Masterless Stardust, capped up to 5 exchanges per month.

Lastly, players can use Masterless Starglitter to buy guaranteed characters from the in game shop itself.

Do note that Starglitter is extremely rare will require you to perform many wishes before you have a considerable amount. Players receive Masterless 2x Starglitter every 4-star weapon they get through wishing or summoning 4 or 5 star characters that they already own already.

2. Through Quests and Events

Apart from the Wishes and buying characters from Paimon’s Bargain shop you can still get characters in Genshin Impact through story quests and permanent and limited-time events. Here is a list of all character quests and few events.

  • Archon Quests ( Characters obtained during the Prologue Chapter)
    • Amber
    • Kaeya
    • Lisa
  • Paimon’s Bargains
    • Two 4-star characters can be purchased from the monthly Paimon’s Bargains shop in exchange for  Masterless Starglitter ×34.
  • Permanent Events
    • Baptism of Song: Barbara
    • Spiral Abyss Event – People’s Choice: Xiangling
  • Limited-Time Events
    • Barbara’s Shining Debut (Sept – Nov 2020): Barbara
    • Unreconciled Stars (Nov 2020): Fischl
    • Stand by Me (Feb 2021): One of Xiangling, Chongyun, Beidou, Ningguang, Xinyan, or Xingqiu
    • Energy Amplifier Initiation (May 2021): Diona

List of Characters in Genshin Impacts

TravelerTraveler5 StarAdaptive SwordPlayer’s ChoiceStarting Character
AlbedoAlbedo5 Star Geo SwordMaleMondstadt
AmberAmber4 Star Pyro BowFemaleMondstadt
BarbaraBarbara4 Star Hydro CatalystFemaleMondstadt
BeidouBeidou4 Star Electro ClaymoreFemaleLiyue
BennettBennett4 Star Pyro SwordMaleMondstadt
ChongyunChongyun4 Star Cryo ClaymoreMaleLiyue
DilucDiluc5 Star Pyro ClaymoreMaleMondstadt
DionaDiona4 Star Cryo BowFemaleMondstadt
FischlFischl4 Star Electro BowFemaleMondstadt
GanyuGanyu5 Star Cryo BowFemaleLiyue
Hu TaoHu Tao5 Star Pyro PolearmFemaleLiyue
JeanJean5 Star Anemo SwordFemaleMondstadt
KaeyaKaeya4 Star Cryo SwordMaleMondstadt
KeqingKeqing5 Star Electro SwordFemaleLiyue
KleeKlee5 Star Pyro CatalystFemaleMondstadt
LisaLisa4 Star Electro CatalystFemaleMondstadt
MonaMona5 Star Hydro CatalystFemaleMondstadt
NingguangNingguang4 Star Geo CatalystFemaleLiyue
NoelleNoelle4 Star Geo ClaymoreFemaleMondstadt
QiqiQiqi5 Star Cryo SwordFemaleLiyue
RazorRazor4 Star Electro ClaymoreMaleMondstadt
RosariaRosaria4 Star Cryo PolearmFemaleMondstadt
SucroseSucrose4 Star Anemo CatalystFemaleMondstadt
TartagliaTartaglia4 Star Hydro BowMaleSnezhnaya
VentiVenti5 Star Anemo BowMaleMondstadt
XianglingXiangling4 Star Pyro PolearmFemaleLiyue
XiaoXiao5 Star Anemo PolearmMaleLiyue
XingqiuXingqiu4 Star Hydro SwordMaleLiyue
XinyanXinyan4 Star Pyro ClaymoreFemaleLiyue
YanfeiYanfei4 Star Pyro CatalystFemaleLiyue
ZhongliZhongli5 Star Geo PolearmMaleLiyue

 Upcoming Characters

These characters have been announced as upcoming playable characters by miHoYo at some point in time.

Ayaka Ayaka5 Star Cryo SwordFemaleInazuma
EulaEula5 Star Cryo ClaymoreFemaleMondstadt


Players can level up the character using EXP-Materials for Characters. Upon reaching the current max level of their current Phase, they are ascended into the next Phase up to six times. Upon the first and third ascensions, the character’s passive perk is unlocked. Once a character reaches level 90, it can no longer be ascended. And during the