Best Hearthstone Decks – Hearthstone Tier list April 2024

Success in the constantly changing world of Hearthstone depends on the deck you choose.

The game meta changes and new strategies are introduced with each expansion, so gamers must stay updated with the strongest decks available. 

We have compiled a thorough Hearthstone deck tier list highlighting the most powerful and well-liked decks in the current meta to aid you in managing the vast card pool.

Understanding the Hearthstone Deck Tier List 

1-tier: Having to lose to these decks feels hopeless and unfair because of their well-optimized, incredibly effective, and potent combinations and card synergies.

2-tier: competitive decks with a few minor mistakes

3-tier: Ordinary decks that aren’t terrible but also aren’t optimized or developed; decks with designs that aren’t right now’s metagame favorites

4-tier: Consistently unpolished, out-of-flavor, excessively specialized, or abandoned decks. It takes a thorough knowledge of each card’s function in the deck to take wins off higher-tier decks.

Best Hearthstone Decks April 2024

TierBest Hearthstone Deck
1Enrage warrior
2Miracle Rogue, Control Priest, Outcast Demon Hunter, Big Druid
3Unholy Death Knight, Relic Demon Hunter, Pure Paladin, Undead Priest, Totem Shaman, Evolve Shaman, Big beast Hunter, Spell Demon Hunter, Secret Rogue, Frost Death Knight
4Blood Death Knight, Spooky Mage, Thaddius Warlock, Aggro Mage


Enrage Warrior

Enrage warrior hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Foul Egg

# 2x (1) Sanguine Depths

# 2x (1) Sunfury Champion

# 2x (1) Verse Riff

# 2x (2) Anima Extractor

# 2x (2) Embers of Strength

# 2x (2) Frightened Flunky

# 1x (2) Instrument Tech

# 2x (2) Jam Session

# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain

# 2x (3) Chorus Riff

# 2x (3) Imbued Axe

# 2x (4) Light of the Phoenix

# 1x (4) Thori’belore

# 2x (5) Bridge Riff

# 1x (6) Decimator Olgra

# 1x (7) Remornia, Living Blade

# 1x (8) Grommash Hellscream


Miracle Rogue

Miracle Rogue hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Preparation

# 1x (0) Shadow of Demise

# 2x (0) Shadowstep

# 2x (1) Concoctor

# 2x (1) Door of Shadows

# 2x (1) Ghostly Strike

# 2x (1) Gone Fishin’

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Cult Neophyte

# 1x (2) Fan of Knives

# 2x (2) Ghoulish Alchemist

# 2x (2) Potion Belt

# 1x (2) Potionmaster Putricide

# 2x (2) Serrated Bone Spike

# 2x (3) Sinstone Graveyard

# 1x (5) Queen Azshara

# 1x (6) Crabatoa

# 2x (7) Scribbling Stenographer

Control Priest

Control Priest hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Armor Vendor

# 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer

# 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 2x (1) The Light! It Burns!

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Dirty Rat

# 2x (2) Mind Eater

# 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize

# 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement

# 2x (3) Identity Theft

# 1x (3) Love Everlasting

# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier

# 1x (3) Prince Renathal

# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper

# 2x (4) Cannibalize

# 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin

# 2x (5) Clean the Scene

# 1x (5) Queen Azshara

# 2x (6) Harmonic Pop

# 1x (6) Sister Svalna

# 1x (7) Blackwater Behemoth

# 2x (8) Whirlpool

Outcast Demon Hunter

Outcast Demon Hunter hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence

# 2x (1) Beaming Sidekick

# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner

# 2x (1) Fierce Outsider

# 2x (1) Illidari Studies

# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

# 2x (2) SECURITY!!

# 2x (2) Spectral Sight

# 2x (2) Wayward Sage

# 2x (2) Wretched Exile

# 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher

# 1x (3) Rush the Stage

# 1x (4) Felerin, the Forgotten

# 2x (4) Glaivetar

# 1x (4) Halveria Darkraven

# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer

# 2x (7) Vengeful Walloper

Big Druid

Big Druid hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Aquatic Form

# 2x (0) Innervate

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Attorney-at-Maw

# 2x (2) Chitinous Plating

# 1x (2) Fanboy

# 2x (3) Hedge Maze

# 2x (3) Wild Growth

# 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

# 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman

# 2x (5) Death Blossom Whomper

# 2x (5) Nourish

# 1x (6) Doomkin

# 1x (7) Colaque

# 2x (8) Mish-Mash Mosher

# 2x (9) Flesh Behemoth

# 1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity

# 1x (10) The Jailer


Unholy Death Knight

Unholy Death Knight hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Arms Dealer

# 2x (1) Body Bagger

# 2x (1) Foul Egg

# 2x (1) Skeletal Sidekick

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Nerubian Egg

# 2x (2) Plague Strike

# 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher

# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier

# 2x (3) Rowdy Fan

# 2x (4) Grave Strength

# 2x (4) Nerubian Swarmguard

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 2x (4) Yelling Yodeler

# 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music

# 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused

# 1x (8) Lord Marrowgar

Relic Demon Hunter

Relic Demon Hunter hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Illidari Studies

# 2x (1) Relic of Extinction

# 2x (1) Taste of Chaos

# 2x (1) Unleash Fel

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

# 2x (2) Relic Vault

# 2x (3) Enchanter

# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier

# 1x (3) Photographer Fizzle

# 2x (3) Relic of Phantasms

# 2x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist

# 1x (4) Blademaster Okani

# 1x (4) Felerin, the Forgotten

# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 2x (6) Relic of Dimensions

# 1x (7) Xhilag of the Abyss

# 1x (8) Artificer Xy’mox

Pure Paladin

Pure Paladin hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Righteous Protector

# 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier

# 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef

# 1x (2) Blood Matriarch Liadrin

# 2x (2) Class Action Lawyer

# 2x (2) Feast and Famine

# 2x (2) For Quel’Thalas!

# 2x (2) Hand of A’dal

# 1x (2) Kotori Lightblade

# 2x (3) Boogie Down

# 2x (3) Disco Maul

# 2x (3) Muckborn Servant

# 2x (6) Horn of the Windlord

# 1x (6) The Purator

# 1x (7) Anachronos

# 1x (7) The Countess

# 1x (7) The Leviathan

# 2x (10) Lightray

Undead Priest

Undead Priest hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Undying Allies

# 2x (1) Arms Dealer

# 2x (1) Banshee

# 2x (1) Foul Egg

# 2x (1) Mind Sear

# 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer

# 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep

# 2x (2) Mind Eater

# 2x (2) Shadow Ascendant

# 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement

# 2x (3) Shadowed Spirit

# 2x (4) Grave Digging

# 2x (4) Rotting Necromancer

# 1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus

# 1x (5) High Cultist Basaleph

# 2x (5) Shadow Word: Undeath

Totem Shaman

Totem Shaman hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Mistake

# 2x (1) Schooling

# 2x (1) Totemic Evidence

# 2x (1) Tour Guide

# 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep

# 2x (2) Anchored Totem

# 2x (2) Carving Chisel

# 2x (2) Flametongue Totem

# 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys’or

# 2x (4) Backstage Bouncer

# 1x (4) The Stonewright

# 2x (5) Bloodlust

# 2x (5) Famished Fool

# 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music

# 1x (5) Rotgill

# 2x (6) Thing from Below

# 2x (10) Gigantotem

Evolve Shaman

Evolve Shaman hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Blazing Transmutation

# 2x (1) Convincing Disguise

# 2x (1) Muck Pools

# 2x (1) Schooling

# 2x (1) Tour Guide

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Carving Chisel

# 2x (3) Primordial Wave

# 2x (3) Remixed Totemcarver

# 2x (4) Backstage Bouncer

# 1x (4) Baroness Vashj

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 2x (5) Famished Fool

# 1x (5) Rotgill

# 1x (6) Horn of the Windlord

# 2x (6) Thing from Below

# 2x (7) Pack the House

Big beast Hunter

Big beast Hunter hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Bunch of Bananas

# 2x (1) Thornmantle Musician

# 1x (1) Trinket Tracker

# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys

# 2x (2) Conjured Arrow

# 2x (2) Selective Breeder

# 2x (2) Spirit Poacher

# 1x (3) Halduron Brightwing

# 2x (3) Wild Spirits

# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer

# 2x (5) Star Power

# 2x (6) Hollow Hound

# 1x (6) Hope of Quel’Thalas

# 2x (7) Faithful Companions

# 1x (7) Hydralodon

# 1x (8) Stranglethorn Heart

# 1x (9) King Krush

Spell Demon Hunter

Spell Demon Hunter hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Dispose of Evidence

# 2x (0) Through Fel and Flames

# 1x (1) Feast of Souls

# 2x (1) Illidari Studies

# 2x (1) Taste of Chaos

# 2x (1) Unleash Fel

# 1x (2) Chaos Strike

# 1x (2) Crazed Alchemist

# 2x (2) Mark of Scorn

# 2x (2) Predation

# 2x (2) SECURITY!!

# 2x (2) Spectral Sight

# 2x (3) Eye Beam

# 1x (3) Lady S’theno

# 1x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist

# 2x (4) Fel’dorei Warband

# 2x (4) Glaivetar

# 1x (4) Souleater’s Scythe

Secret Rogue

Secret Rogue hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Preparation

# 1x (0) Shadow of Demise

# 2x (0) Shadowstep

# 2x (1) Concoctor

# 2x (1) Ghostly Strike

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Double Cross

# 2x (2) Ghoulish Alchemist

# 2x (2) Perjury

# 2x (2) Potion Belt

# 2x (2) Serrated Bone Spike

# 1x (2) Sticky Situation

# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer

# 2x (4) Private Eye

# 2x (4) Scourge Illusionist

# 1x (5) Queen Azshara

# 1x (6) Crabatoa

# 2x (6) Mothership

Frost Death Knight

Frost Death Knight hearthstone deck

# 2x (0) Horn of Winter

# 2x (1) Arms Dealer

# 2x (1) Bone Breaker

# 2x (1) Foul Egg

# 2x (1) Skeletal Sidekick

# 2x (2) Frost Strike

# 1x (2) Harbinger of Winter

# 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron

# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier

# 2x (3) Rowdy Fan

# 2x (4) Might of Menethil

# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 1x (4) Thassarian

# 2x (6) Marrow Manipulator

# 1x (6) Overseer Frigidara

# 2x (7) Frostwyrm’s Fury


Blood Death Knight

Blood Death Knight hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Armor Vendor

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 2x (2) Dirty Rat

# 2x (2) Hematurge

# 2x (2) Sketchy Stranger

# 2x (2) Vampiric Blood

# 2x (3) Arcanite Ripper

# 2x (3) Asphyxiate

# 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron

# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier

# 1x (3) Prince Renathal

# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper

# 2x (4) Death Strike

# 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

# 2x (4) School Teacher

# 2x (5) Blood Boil

# 2x (5) Corpse Explosion

# 1x (5) Screaming Banshee

# 2x (6) Gnome Muncher

# 2x (6) Hollow Hound

# 1x (7) Alexandros Mograine

# 1x (7) Patchwerk

# 2x (8) Soulstealer

Spooky Mage

spooky mage Hunter hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Arcane Artificer

# 2x (1) Armor Vendor

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard

# 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude

# 2x (2) Prismatic Elemental

# 2x (2) Solid Alibi

# 2x (3) Nightcloak Sanctum

# 1x (3) Photographer Fizzle

# 2x (3) Reverberations

# 2x (4) Cold Case

# 1x (4) Commander Sivara

# 2x (4) Volume Up

# 1x (5) Queen Azshara

# 2x (5) Star Power

# 1x (6) Blizzard

# 2x (6) Deathborne

# 1x (8) Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable

# 1x (9) Grand Magister Rommath

Thaddius Warlock

thaddius warlock hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Mortal Coil

# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

# 2x (2) Defile

# 2x (2) Drain Soul

# 2x (2) Shallow Grave

# 2x (3) Habeas Corpses

# 2x (3) Reverberations

# 2x (3) Scourge Supplies

# 2x (4) Voidcaller

# 2x (5) Amorphous Slime

# 2x (5) Infantry Reanimator

# 1x (5) Symphony of Sins

# 1x (7) Dar’Khan Drathir

# 2x (8) Enhanced Dreadlord

# 1x (9) Flesh Behemoth

# 1x (9) Mal’Ganis

# 1x (10) Thaddius, Monstrosity

# 1x (10) The Jailer

# 1x (30) Fanottem, Lord of the Opera

Aggro Mage

Aggro Mage hearthstone deck

# 2x (1) Arcane Artificer

# 2x (1) Arcane Wyrm

# 2x (1) Flame Geyser

# 2x (1) Suspicious Alchemist

# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn

# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

# 2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard

# 2x (2) Frozen Touch

# 2x (2) Prismatic Elemental

# 2x (2) Solid Alibi

# 2x (3) Arcsplitter

# 2x (3) Nightcloak Sanctum

# 2x (4) Cold Case

# 1x (4) Commander Sivara

# 2x (4) Volume Up

# 1x (5) Aegwynn, the Guardian

# 2x (6) Deathborne


How frequently is the list of deck tiers updated?

The Hearthstone deck tier list is changed frequently to reflect the most recent game meta. It considers the most recent growth, adjustments to the power structure and fluctuations in the marketplace.

In what order do decks appear in the Hearthstone Decks tier list?

The performance, popularity, and overall power level of a deck in the current meta are considered when ranking it. While Tier 3 decks show potential but may need more expertise or advantageous matchups to succeed, Tier 1 decks are the most powerful and dominant.

Are Tier 1 decks the only options that work?

Tier 1 Hearthstone Decks are the most potent and well-liked options, but Tier 2 and Tier 3 decks can also be competitive with the appropriate players. A lower-tier placement can frequently be made up for by skill, experience, and familiarity with a specific deck.

Should I solely use Tier 1 decks to move up the ladder?

While Tier 1 decks offer a solid starting point for moving up the ladder, individual taste and play style should also be considered. Finding a deck that plays well for you is crucial since it will help you perform better and have more fun throughout the game.

What in Hearthstone is the best deck?

The most excellent deck may change over time in Hearthstone because the game’s meta is continuously changing. To evaluate which deck performs well, staying current with the most recent expansions, balance adjustments, and the current meta is critical.