Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List [May 2024]

This Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List will help you find the best cards, companions, and more in the game as of the latest May 2024 update.

Magic is at the core of the enthralling Harry Potter universe and The game “Harry Potter: Magic Awakened” is the very extension of J.K. Rowling’s fantastical world. 

In the game “Harry Potter Magic Awakened,” players are set on a journey to discover the magical world and learn spells and potion recipes. 

As you advance through the game, you encounter various spells and magical skills with varying degrees of power and value. 

In the Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List, we tried to create a no-bullshit guide that categorizes spells according to their efficacy and impact on conflict. We have added a brief exploration for each to better help you.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List System

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Tier List System

Before we jump into the actual Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List, it is important to understand the tier list system. The table below will help you get up to speed.

SSupreme spells 
AOutstanding spells 
BNotable spells 
CCompetent spells 
DBasic spells 

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Tier List

Let’s get to the tier list –

TierHarry Potter Magic Awakened Creatures/Spells
SAvada Kedavra, Sectumsempra
AUnicorn, stack of Monster Book of Monsters, Bludger, Fiendfyre, Side-along Apparition, Acromantula Nest, Expulso, Protego, Troll, The Monster Book of Monsters, Obscurus, Kelpie, Stupefy, Crucio
BTime-Turner, Atmosphere Charm, Phoenix, Erumpent, Golden Snitch, Matagot, Bewitched Snowballs, Glacius, Fwooper, Whomping Willow, Episkey, Wizard Chess Pieces, Broomstick, Fire Crab, Aguamenti
CInflatus, Norwegian Ridgeback Egg, Baby Antipodean Opaleye, Orb of water, PiertotumLocomotor, Protego Diabolica, Blast-Ended Skrewt, Essence of Dittany, Centaur, Spiders, Thunderstorm
DCornish Pixies, Oppugno, Protego Totalum, Portkey, Swelling Solution, Winged Catapult, Incarcerous, Howler, Acromantula Venom

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Companion Tier List

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Cover 4

You’re ready to move to our Harry Potter: Magic Awakened companion tier list now that you’ve mastered spells and creatures. Although there is a caveat that some friends work better with specific card types, the list below evaluates each companion according to how playable they are overall.

TierHarry Potter Magic Awakened companion
SHarry Potter, Rubeus Hagrid, Cassandra Vole, Hermione Granger
AAlbus Dumbledore, Kevin Farrell, Malfoy Gang, Ron Weasley, Frey Twins
BLuna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Dobby, Daniel Page, Robyn Thistlethwaite, Ivy Warrington
CGrawp, Lottie Turner

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Echoes Tier List

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Encho Tier List

It’s time to get to our Harry Potter Magic Awakened echoes tier list now that your allies are prepared to leave. Like friends, your echo doesn’t influence the combat as much as your selected spells and creatures do, but some are unquestionably superior. See who comes out on top by reading the chart below.

TierHarry Potter Magic Awakened Echoes
SFilius Flitwick, Sirius Black, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
AHermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Harry Potter
BFilius Flitwick, Sirius Black,Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood
CWeasley Brothers

So, that was it for the Harry Potter: Magic Awakened tier list. We tried our best to include all the note-worthy companions and echoes in the game. For any other questions you might have check out the FAQs section below.


Harry Potter Magic Awakened logo

How is the Harry Potter: Magic Awakened tier list created?

The overall strength and potency of the various spells in battle and exploration situations, their adaptability, and their effects on gameplay are considered while determining the tier list. It considers their strength, usefulness, and strategic importance in the overall framework of the game.

Are the tier rankings subject to change?

When the meta shifts, new upgrades are published, and the game changes, tier rankings can alter over time. The relative potency and utility of spells can fluctuate in response to changes in gameplay mechanics, new spell additions, and balancing revisions. To adjust your strategy appropriately, staying up to date with the most recent game data and community conversations is critical.

Are spells at lower levels in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened still useful?

Definitely! Lower-tier spells remain useful even though higher-tier spells may provide more immediate potency and versatility. They might be exceptional in certain circumstances, useful for spelunking or solving puzzles, or a supplement to higher-tier spells when used in combination spells. Every spell has different characteristics, and inventive gamers may discover ways to increase its potency.

Can I access every spell in the game?

In “Harry Potter Magic Awakened,” gamers eventually gain access to spells as they advance through the game and fulfill objectives. Even though it might not be feasible to use every spell immediately, endless gameplay and discovery will eventually grant access to various magical powers.

Does the tier list cover all spells?

The tier list covers a few of the game’s essential spells, although it might only include some. Some spells might not be on the list because they have specialized uses or have little bearing on gameplay. Conversely, the tier list seeks to cover the spells that significantly impact gameplay, exploration, and battle.

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