Fortnite Season 3 Delayed for the Third time – Here is Why

Epic Games has confirmed the delay of both the Fortnite season and live event by a week. In fact, the Fortnite Season 3, Chapter 2 has been now delayed, consecutively for the third time in a row. Even a few of the companies are also delaying their events to oppose police violence against black people.

The reason behind the delay of Fortnite season 3

Fortnite’s new season and in-game live event “The Device” got postponed due to extensive outrage over the death of George Floyd, on May 25. It’s reported that George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man, died in Minneapolis due to police brutality.

The previous delays were because of the technical issues and the COVID 19 pandemic. Further, as a result of this brutality act, the release of Fortnite next season is again pushed from June 11 to June 17, Wednesday. Also, the live event “The Device” is kept in the hold from getting a release until June 15, Monday.

Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3 Leaks

In a recent leak of the upcoming season of Fortnite, fans are teased with a few in-game posters. Most of the leaks so far point to a possible underwater theme.

Theory suggests the Battle Royale island will be flooding due to the accident which will occur during the Doomsday event. One scene that has caught the public attention particularly showed a transition from the current Fortnite map to a flooded one. Probably, the areas of the map will be destroyed because of the current building up around the device. Also, this might cause the water to pour in around the island.

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Epic Games Reaction to the Incident

The Epic Games, developers of Fortnite, shared their views and condolences towards friends, families, team members, players, and black communities. They also stood against racism and requested to give the people their fundamental human rights. They further stated that they always believe in equality and justice, diversity, and inclusion. Nevertheless, these fundamentals are nowhere below above politics.

On an interview about the launching of the new season, the officials informed that the team is eagerly waiting to move forward to launch Fortnite. But they also need to balance the Season 3 launching with time as it’s never easy for the team to focus on themselves, their communities, and their families.

Lastly, they told that Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 2, is about to wrap up soon around next week. So, Chapter 3 of Season 2 will be available very soon.

The result of this incident had lead to massive protests around the U.S. The public is now demanding justice against the assailing officers and calling this incident a so-called murder.

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